Persistence Does Not Always Pay, or Even Make Sense

My cell phone is a busi­ness phone. Since we recent­ly moved to a dif­fer­ent city, I have avoid­ed tak­ing on new cus­tomers in my pre­vi­ous loca­tion. That, com­bined with the exces­sive sales calls that busi­ness lines often get, leads me to screen my calls. If I do not rec­og­nize the num­ber (cur­rent cus­tomer or friend), I do not answer the phone.

It is the time of year that the local Yel­low Pages (or some vari­ant) is sell­ing ads. I have 14 calls that I have not answered from them. Now, I appre­ci­ate that good sales peo­ple have to be per­sis­tent, but how does one sell yel­low page adver­tis­ing to a busi­ness that does not answer its phone and has no loca­tion for cus­tomers to go to?

It will be inter­est­ing to see if the calls con­tin­ue on Monday.

Accident By Cell Phone

The Nation­al High­way Traf­fic Safe­ty Admin­is­tra­tion gath­ered hun­dreds of pages of research and warn­ings about the haz­ards of dri­vers using cell phones…The find­ings included:

What’s miss­ing?

An increase in the num­ber of acci­dents. That’s what is missing.

25 per­cent of acci­dents are a result of dri­ver dis­trac­tion. Cell phone use while dri­ving has increased 50 per­cent. So cell phone use is increas­ing­ly cit­ed as the cause of the accident.

But it isn’t the cell phone.

The acci­dent is caused by the dis­tract­ed dri­ver. If the dri­ver did not have the phone to be dis­tract­ed by, then he or she would find some­thing else. All the laws pro­hibit­ing cell phone use while dri­ving will do noth­ing to cut down the num­ber of accidents.