What Pence and Daniels Have in Common?

Back when Indi­ana Gov­er­nor Mitch Daniels was still a poten­tial can­di­date for the pres­i­den­cy, there was a sto­ry some­where about how his rela­tion­ship with his wife might be con­strued by some to reveal him as weak. As I remem­ber it, he had got­ten mar­ried and after a time his wife left him and moved to Cal­i­for­nia. Lat­er, she came back and they rec­on­ciled and remarried.

Why that his­to­ry reveals Daniels to be weak, I can­not explain. But appar­ent­ly it did, at least for a few people.

If that was actu­al­ly a prob­lem for Daniels polit­i­cal­ly, then Mike Pence, Repub­li­can can­di­date for gov­er­nor of Indi­ana, may have a sim­i­lar problem.

At the end of an arti­cle in the Fort Wayne Jour­nal Gazette, there is a short dis­cus­sion of how Pence will be trav­el­ing the state dur­ing his cam­paign. First it men­tions that Pence’s wife is a pilot but that Pence says he will “be spend­ing more time in a pick­up truck than an airplane.”

The arti­cle ends with :

His pre­ferred vehi­cle would be a motor­cy­cle, but Karen Pence has blocked that dream.

I grew up on ’em, and I haven’t been able to close that sale since I got mar­ried,” Pence said.

Now, I would argue that this is Pence respect­ing his wife’s fears out of love for his wife. But I know there are plen­ty of peo­ple who would see this differently.

Continuing Pence for Prez

More evi­dence that Mike Pence is think­ing of run­ning for pres­i­dent. He con­tributed mon­ey to Repub­li­cans run­ning for state office in Iowa.

I think he would have a bet­ter shot at gov­er­nor of Indi­ana (since the cur­rent gov is term lim­it­ed and might run for pres him­self) than he would have at pres­i­dent. Still not get­ting my vote, though.

Straw Poll Picks Pence for Pres!!

At this week’s Val­ues Vot­er Sum­mit in Wash­ing­ton the win­ner of the straw poll for Pres­i­dent in 2012 was Mike Pence!!

This is just as I was begin­ning to think that Pence was more inter­est­ed in being Major­i­ty Leader in the House than being President.

Note that the win­ner of the Vice Pres­i­dent straw poll was also Pence, so the win goes to the sec­ond place Palin!

Yup. That’s a tick­et we can live with! Pence/​Palin!!

It Doesn’t Hurt…

…as long as I only pat my low­er back. Click the Mike Pence tag for my ear­li­er posts on this subject.

Mike Pence has not made any announce­ments that he is run­ning for pres­i­dent. But now he is in the top five!!!

The recent Val­ues Vot­er Sum­mit includ­ed a straw poll for 2012 and

For­mer Mass­a­chu­setts Gov. Mitt Rom­ney, Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Paw­len­ty, for­mer Alas­ka Gov. Sarah Palin and Indi­ana Rep. Mike Pence each won rough­ly 12 per­cent of the 597 votes cast.

Huck­abee won with 29%.

The momen­tum builds.…


More Pence for Pres

I first blogged that Indi­ana con­gress­man Mike Pence was con­sid­er­ing run­ning for Pres­i­dent in 2012 on June 17.

Con­gres­sion­al Quar­ter­ly picked up on my post­ed the idea on July 13 (as I already not­ed).

And now The New Repub­lic also posts the idea (though with the caveat that he was not like­ly to win).

I notice today that Pence’s blog has now been com­plete­ly tak­en down. “This web­site has been dis­abled

Pence For President?

Is Mike Pence think­ing about run­ning for Pres­i­dent? I first asked this ques­tion on June 17. Now CQ Pol­i­tics thinks so, too.

House Repub­li­can Con­fer­ence Chair­man Mike Pence of Indi­ana recent­ly added his name to that list [of poten­tial can­di­dates for pres­i­dent for 2012] by sched­ul­ing a trip to Iowa start­ing July 25 — just before the final week of the hec­tic July session.

Remem­ber, you read it here first!!

Hat tip to TPMDC.

Running for President?

Is it my imag­i­na­tion, or is Indi­ana Con­gress­man Mike Pence sud­den­ly all over the nation­al media late­ly? As I looked at a video fea­tur­ing the con­gress­man this morn­ing the thought jumped into my head: Mike Pence is think­ing about run­ning for Pres­i­dent (you read it here first!).

On the oth­er hand, he has­n’t post­ed on his blog since April 27.

Then again, giv­en the recent luck the GOP has had with social media*, Pence’s stale blog might be bet­ter than the alternative.

I doubt I’ll be vot­ing for him.

* See also TPMDC.