I Forgot…Part 2

In my post the oth­er day, Hunger, I admit­ted to spend­ing all my mon­ey on com­ic books and Coca-Cola.

I should have includ­ed cig­a­rettes. I don’t smoke now, but I was a pack a day smok­er then. I don’t remem­ber for sure, but I think I still had cig­a­rettes even though I had no food.

So now you know the whole truth (at least until I remem­ber more).

I forgot…it is a small world

In my sec­ond post, Donat­ing “to sci­ence”, I for­got some­thing! I’m guess­ing this will not be the last time this happens.

As I post­ed there, my sib­lings and I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk to the stu­dents who had learned anato­my from Mom.

Many years ago, Mom played an impor­tant role in the growth of the North­ern Indi­ana Arts Asso­ci­a­tion (now South Shore Arts) as Mem­ber­ship Direc­tor and as Pres­i­dent. (Mom was an amaz­ing woman).

It turns out that one of the stu­dents had won blue rib­bons in sev­er­al art shows, enjoyed many the­atre pro­duc­tions and won a schol­ar­ship to take an art class at the Mun­ster Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter, a ter­rif­ic facil­i­ty that might not exist if not for Mom’s efforts in the ear­ly his­to­ry of the organization.

A small world.