Yesterday I was listening to Performance Today on NPR. They played a selection performed by a group of female musicians who were all currently incarcerated in a Texas prison. Along with the performance was a bit of time talking about the program that teaches inmates how to play musical instruments.
Someone from the Texas prison system was being interviewed and he talked about the 60% recidivism rate in Texas and how when an inmate experiences success playing the music this leads to more positive behavior and lowers the recidivism rate. He called it a win-win.
Now, dear reader, you might be nodding your head and thinking indeed it is a win-win. The state of Texas experiences less recidivism which really means less crime and less money spent incarcerating people and the inmates win by finding a path to a life inside the law.
Ahh, but that is not what the man meant. He immediately followed up with a clarification. The win-win he was talking about was, yes, the state of Texas and the Texas prison system! Yeah!!!