
Anoth­er book I read over vaca­tion (see pre­vi­ous post) was Damia by Anne McCaf­frey which I believe I picked up at the dol­lar store (for $1.00 obvi­ous­ly). This is a sequel and I have not read the first book, but I did not notice that I was miss­ing any­thing. 336 pages, but, again, just anoth­er sci­ence fic­tion novel.

336 pages and I found one para­graph of mild interest:

Jer­an and Cera paused long enough in their mild­ly com­pet­i­tive appli­ca­tion of col­or to blank paper to smile at their father. He pat­ted them affec­tion­ate­ly, for Jeff had no trou­ble being demon­stra­tive with his chil­dren. Then he became the host, offer­ing to top up glass­es before he poured one for him­self and set­tled next to the Rowan on the cir­cu­lar couch.

You can see why the author had to explic­it­ly state that Jeff “had no trou­ble being demon­stra­tive with his chil­dren” since the scene cer­tain­ly fails to demon­strate such a trait.

I laughed when I read it. Giv­en the rest of the book, I do not think it was intend­ed to be fun­ny, but maybe.

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