What I Have Been Doing

It is clear even to me that I have not been post­ing with much fre­quen­cy, so I thought I would give my loy­al read­er an expla­na­tion (assum­ing I have a loy­al reader).

I sim­ply do not have as much time to waste as before. Why? Because I’m try­ing to learn how to play the piano. I’m sure my post­ing fre­quen­cy will increase again once I’ve mas­tered the instrument.


Time Flies…

…when you’re hav­ing fun! Let me clear a cou­ple of cob­webs off.…


Geez, one post in the past two weeks. A bit off my goal of one every oth­er day.

In my defense, we are in the process of try­ing to sell our house and buy anoth­er house. This is a bit of a dis­trac­tion. It does appear the clos­ings will take place soon, so the process of mov­ing might be a bit of a dis­trac­tion. I appre­ci­ate the patience of, ahem, all my loy­al read­ers (I think there’s three or four).

Anoth­er dis­trac­tion is the advent of foot­ball sea­son. I’ve spent too much time read­ing Green Bay Pack­er blogs. One would think the world is about to end since the Pack­ers lost to the Bengals.