Financial Regulation

I do not pre­tend to under­stand the ins and outs of big banks and deriv­a­tives and what not. My guess is that more reg­u­la­tion is needed.

On the oth­er hand, even more impor­tant than reg­u­la­tion is lead­er­ship that will stand tall and address prob­lems before they become disasters.

It was obvi­ous there was a tech bub­ble at the time. Peo­ple made mil­lions sell­ing com­pa­nies with lit­tle more than an idea.

It was obvi­ous there was a hous­ing bub­ble at the time. Peo­ple were mak­ing thou­sands of dol­lars flip­ping hous­es. Often with­out doing any­thing to the house oth­er than hold­ing on to it for a few months.

Bub­bles pop and dam­age the economy.

When the next bub­ble appears, what will be need­ed is a leader who will take action to gen­tly let the bub­ble down, not reg­u­la­tions designed to pre­vent the last breakdown.

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