Grandad’s Orchard Blueberry-Peach Jam

I picked up a jar of Grandad’s Orchard Blue­ber­ry-Peach Jam at a farmer’s mar­ket here in Fort Wayne.

The list­ed ingre­di­ents are sug­ar, blue­ber­ries, peach­es, pectin, all­spice, cloves, cin­na­mon. There is no nutri­tion label, so I had no idea how many grams of sug­ar per table­spoon (oth­er than the fact that sug­ar is list­ed first), and the young lady tend­ing the table was not help­ful on the sub­ject. But I thought I would give it a try.

A knowl­edge­able observ­er would note the inter­est­ing tri­fec­ta of spices: all­spice, cloves, and cin­na­mon. A quick glance at google search results shows them used for mulling cider, etc. That would be OK. A blue­ber­ry peach jam that has a fla­vor of being mulled.

But that’s not what I tast­ed. I tast­ed pump­kin pie. The tex­ture is not pump­kin pie, but the fla­vor is. This made for an odd peanut but­ter and jel­ly sand­wich. Per­fect­ly edi­ble, but strange.

A keen eye might also have not­ed the hash marks on the label. I put them there. I have on occa­sion kept track of how many sand­wich­es I got out of a giv­en jar of jam. There is quite a wide vari­a­tion on this depend­ing on the tex­tures of the jams. I knew as soon as I made the first sand­wich that this jam was not going to go far. In fact, as the hatch marks show, I got only five sand­wich­es from this jar. The jar was $5.00 so it added $1.00 to the cost of each sand­wich. Tastes strange and is expen­sive! Look­ing at my records I show the fol­low­ing size jars pro­duc­ing this num­ber of sand­wich­es: 20 oz., 23 sand­wich­es; 16 oz., 16 sand­wich­es; 12 oz, 13 sand­wich­es; 10.5 oz., 13 sand­wich­es; 8.5 oz, 11 sandwiches.

So five sand­wich­es from five ounces is not much. And the $5.00 for 5 ounces is expensive!

For the record, here is a pic of the por­tion of Grandad’s Orchard Blue­ber­ry-Peach Jam I put on the sandwich:

The label shows a web­site: which does show Grandad’s Orchard prod­ucts, but I can not find the blue­ber­ry peach jam there.

2 thoughts on “Grandad’s Orchard Blueberry-Peach Jam”

  1. Your top­ics are so ran­dom and fas­ci­nat­ing. Who knew there was an inter­est­ing blog wait­ing to be writ­ten about jam? Your mind tru­ly must go a mil­lion miles a minute!

  2. Well, I am not sure that my mind goes all that fast, but I am sure that you would real­ly think so if I man­aged to post every­thing that I think about post­ing as I go through the day. Usu­al­ly by the time I get home I can nev­er remem­ber all the good(?) ideas I had to blog.

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