Here I go…

I’ve been mean­ing to start blog­ging for sev­er­al months.

The enter­prise begins with engi­neer­ing pro­vid­ed by my son, Rick. He can be found at Rick is sup­ply­ing the serv­er space, answer­ing my queries, and doing I know not what with the nuts and bolts. Thanks, Rick!!

Any­one who reads this blog and Rick­’s blog will no doubt learn quick­ly that Rick and I have some fun­da­men­tal dis­agree­ments about some impor­tant stuff. Yet some­how we man­age to get along. As read­ers of his blog know, Rick is a fine young man. I am the proud father.

8 thoughts on “Here I go…”

  1. I love this. I hope some­day my son will blog, so it will be the reverse of your sit­u­a­tion since I am already avid about this. But, Rick is a key rea­son to my suc­cess, so, Rich Sr., let your son know I am suck­ing up as well.

    It will be inter­est­ing to read both blogs.

    And I love the URL.

    God Bless and Good Luck!

    Uh-oh… no RSS?

  2. That he was, that he was. It’s not won­der peo­ple think I know what I’m talk­ing about in Web design; I blame all the suck ups. :P

  3. I fig­ured this would be a bet­ter place to reply than your son’s ‘blog. I do apol­o­gize for not tak­ing note of your pic­ture and clas­si­fy­ing you as “s/​he” instead of “he”. I read your com­ment, orig­i­nal­ly, in e‑mail for­mat on my phone. I did not see the pho­to. Please accept my apol­o­gy on this matter.

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