As the scandal swirls around Herman Cain,Victor Davis Hanson comes to Cain’s defense in The National Review. Yes, in terms of what we know (or what I know at this writing), Cain seems guilty only of being a borish lout.* And yes, Clinton got away with work place sexual harassment (probably because Monica didn’t complain).
It is not likely that the Democrats are behind the scandal. I do not know how Gloria Allred and Sharon Bialek got together, but it is certainly possible (likely in my book) that Ms. Bialek sought her ought and politics is not at issue. Beyond that, most Democrats would be gleeful to see Cain get the Republican nomination.
Cain also wins greater scrutiny, not exemption, because he is black — or at least a certain sort of black. In addition to his conservatism, his voice, bearing, grammar, and diction, even his showy black cowboy hat, bother liberals in much the same way that Joe Frazier was not Muhammad Ali and Clarence Thomas was not Anita Hill.
Mr. Hanson, Cain’s conservatism, his marketing approach to policy (9,9,9), and his disdain for foreign policy ( Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan) are more than enough for us to not like Herman Cain. His color has nothing to do with it.
Hat tip: Kevin Drum
Update: ABL at Angry Black Lady Chronicles does the work to take down Mr. Hanson’s defense of Cain much more thoroughly than my laziness allowed above.
*Though we do not have any details of the complaints about him when he was head of the Restaurant Association.