
Although I do not restrict my view to the pave­ment, I do look down a fair amount (and I still man­age to trip on a curb now and then!).

I believe this is the north east cor­ner of the inter­sec­tion of Michi­gan Ave. and Ontario in Chica­go (towards the north end of the Mag­nif­i­cent Mile). I believe the fig­ure is about ten inch­es in length.

This is a shot of a side­walk grate in Chica­go. I am fair­ly cer­tain that I am not the first per­son to be tak­ing a pic­ture of a side­walk grate. I was struck by the con­trast between the order of the grate and the dis­or­der of the debris and the tex­ture of the debris.

This is on the road­way of Air­port Express­way Road in Fort Wayne.

7 thoughts on “Pavement”

  1. That li’l guy in the inter­sec­tion must be pret­ty com­mon, or maybe he just gets around; he was cap­tured by Luke & Adri­enne on their hon­ey­moon in Penn­syl­va­nia just the oth­er day!

  2. Did they post a pic of it? I have thought that it seems famil­iar and although it is pos­si­ble that I have stood at the cor­ner in the past, it would have been decades ago.

  3. Well done!! I may well have seen one or more of them in D.C. We were there just a cou­ple of years ago.

    I won­der how many there are across the coun­try (world?).

  4. Not sure. But if it is the work of one “gueril­la artist” or how­ev­er that Post arti­cle word­ed it — or per­haps a group of them — then I’m impressed at just how wide­spread they already are.

    I still love how emo­tive the Stik­man despite how sim­plis­tic the form is.

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