Saints and the Republicans

This from a post at

Repub­li­cans were crow­ing about social­ism and gov­ern­ment takeovers way back in the sum­mer of 2008, and oppos­ing vir­tu­al­ly every pol­i­cy that the Democ­rats put forth from the first meet­ing of the 111th Con­gress last Jan­u­ary — a time when Oba­ma’s approval had been in the high 60s. At first, those mes­sages weren’t work­ing for them — they were par­tic­u­lar­ly inef­fec­tu­al, for instance, for the McCain cam­paign, and there were lots of sto­ries in the spring about the num­ber of peo­ple who iden­ti­fied as Repub­li­can slip­ping to all-time lows. But the GOP stuck by their mes­sag­ing strat­e­gy, and it has allowed them to frame every­thing that has come there­after in ways that are more res­o­nant with the public.

This reminds me of the NFC Cham­pi­onship foot­ball game between the Saints and the Vikings. The Saints defen­sive game plan includ­ed an empha­sis on hit­ting Bret Favre. They got sev­er­al hits on him but failed to sack him. Still, they did not change the plan. Favre threw for 310 yards, but still the Saints worked to hit Favre. Sure enough, before the game was over, Favre reward­ed them by throw­ing three inter­cep­tions (the stats say two because the Saints did not catch one of the balls thrown right to them).

And the Saint won.

2 thoughts on “Saints and the Republicans”

  1. There is noth­ing wrong with a strat­e­gy to throw off a good quar­ter­back­’s skill with pres­sure or even hits but the Saints went way beyond hon­or­able strat­e­gy in try­ing to hurt Farve. There were late hits not called and many almost late hits per­formed with bru­tal­i­ty. The Brady rule was put into place because Brady’s hit placed him on the side­line for a sea­son; Farve did­n’t miss a play but not because the Saints did­n’t try. But, there is no doubt he was hurt due to the phys­i­cal beat­ing he took at the hands of the Saints. Before that game, I was a Saints fan but now they join the ranks of the Bears and the Raiders in my mind-no class or skill just brute force.

    I think the Repub­li­cans are behav­ing as bad­ly. They have no ideas, no vision. They just want to destroy the oppo­si­tion which is a lit­tle eas­i­er than the Saints destroy­ing the Vikings because the Democ­rats don’t have great vision either.

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