
A few years ago (2001) Deb­by and I were in Toron­to, Cana­da. One of the things we did there was walk through Cab­bage­town, a his­toric neigh­bor­hood. A few days lat­er, when a local heard that we had been in Toron­to and had vis­it­ed Cab­bage­town his response was “You came to Toron­to and vis­it­ed our slum!”

My response to him was that if Cab­bage­town con­sti­tut­ed a Cana­di­an slum, then Cana­da was in very good shape indeed. Yes, the neigh­bor­hood did not seem par­tic­u­lar­ly high end, but a slum it was not.

This evening on HGTV’s Prop­er­ty Vir­gin pro­gram was a young man look­ing for his first house in Toron­to. Two of the hous­es he looked at were in Cab­bage­town. They were both priced over $550,000.

Geez, $550,000. In the “slum”. I guess I could nev­er afford shel­ter in Toron­to (or maybe Cab­bage­town isn’t a slum…)