I Guess I’ll Have to Take You’re Word For It

Gary D’Am­a­to, writ­ing the Golf Beat blog at the Mil­wau­kee Jour­nal Sen­tinel, posts about a Sports Illus­trat­ed sur­vey of PGA golfers. At the end he deals with the golfer­’s politics:

When it came to polit­i­cal ques­tions, the Tour showed its Repub­li­can lean­ings. Only 17% said they approved of the job Barack Oba­ma was doing and only 16% said the health-care reform bill was good for the U.S.

Gee, who would have guessed?

I like the first comment:

Repub­li­can leanings…?/??? Maybe there just a lit­tle more intel­li­gent than the aver­age shmuck.