The National Anthem

This morn­ing I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Fort Wayne’s Wom­en’s Bureau Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event. This was the fourth con­sec­u­tive year that I have done so (walk­ing in three inch heels is no more dif­fi­cult than stand­ing in three inch heels…unfortunately, stand­ing in three inch heels is quite painful).

Just before the Walk began, there was a singing of the Star Span­gled Ban­ner. I believe this has been done every year, but I do not have an actu­al mem­o­ry of it. This is prob­a­bly because pre­vi­ous years were done just like this years. A local singer per­formed the anthem and the rest of us stood and respect­ful­ly lis­tened. I admit to the pos­si­bil­i­ty that this was the first year they had the anthem sung due to the next day being 9/​11.

The singer this year did a fine job of it, but it seemed to me that she sang it even high­er than it usu­al­ly is sung and she threw in enough flour­ish­es that it would have been dif­fi­cult to fol­low along. And no one fol­lowed along. Except for what hap­pened lat­er in the day and the fact that I am blog­ging this, I doubt I would have any mem­o­ry of her per­for­mance next year (as I have no mem­o­ry of pre­vi­ous years per­for­mances if there were any).

This evening, Deb­by and I attend­ed the 2011-12 open­ing night of the Fort Wayne Phil­har­mon­ic. The lights went down and the con­duc­tor came out, took his place, raised his baton and the music com­menced. Unex­pect­ed­ly, it was the Star Span­gled Ban­ner. There was a cho­rus singing. Sound­ed good! I was look­ing around to see where was the cho­rus? Then I real­ized that there was no cho­rus, the fine singing I was hear­ing was the audi­ence. I joined in (arguably dimin­ish­ing the qual­i­ty of the singing, but enhanc­ing the qual­i­ty of the event). The orches­tra played a fair­ly stan­dard ren­di­tion and peo­ple sang when they could and did not sing when they could not.

It sound­ed great. And we were all (ok, most of us) active­ly involved in affirm­ing our shared love of our coun­try. The con­trast with the morn­ing per­for­mance is stark.

The Star Spangled Banner

Com­plaints about Amer­i­ca’s nation­al anthem are com­mon­place. Some­where along the line, prob­a­bly in high school, I joined the cho­rus. “The nation­al anthem is ter­ri­ble and should be changed.” Then my mind was changed.*

It was in the nine­teen eight­ies, I believe. There was an arti­cle in The New Repub­lic in defense of the nation­al anthem. The prin­ci­ple argu­ment was that the song is unsingable by one per­son. The more peo­ple singing the song, the bet­ter it sounds. This makes it a per­fect stand in for democracy.

I was convinced.

The prob­lem with the nation­al anthem is that “we” do not sing it any­more. Instead of an activ­i­ty to which we can all con­tribute, it has become a spec­ta­tor event. Yes, some­times the per­for­mance by this or that celebri­ty is spec­tac­u­lar. But often it is not so good. Some­times bor­der­ing on, if not out­right, dis­re­spect­ful and insulting.

Yes­ter­day, The New Repub­lic pub­lished a blog entry on The Star Span­gled Ban­ner with links to a cou­ple of arti­cles on why it should not be the nation­al anthem. I guess the author did not search far enough back into the archives to find the arti­cle that changed my mind. Also to be found at the web­site of The New Repub­lic is a video slideshow of good and bad per­for­mances and attempt­ed per­for­mances of The Star Span­gled Ban­ner.

The ninth video in that slideshow is of Steven Tyler singing the anthem at the Indy 500 in 2001. The cap­tion reads:

Unable to remem­ber “the home of the brave,” Tyler replaced it with “the home of the Indi­anapo­lis 500.

But watch­ing the video, I don’t believe for a moment that Tyler for­got the last word of the song. He inten­tion­al­ly sub­sti­tut­ed the lyrics and paused for dra­mat­ic effect.

*What do you know? I guess I’m not so close mind­ed as I thought.