Where Do Babies Come From?

As the war on women con­tin­ues, the lat­est sal­vo is issued by the North Car­oli­na Hanover Coun­ty Board of Com­mis­sion­ers. They have unan­i­mous­ly turned down

a state fam­i­ly plan­ning grant that would cov­er con­tra­cep­tive sup­plies along with oth­er med­ical ser­vices relat­ed to fam­i­ly planning.

If these young women are being respon­si­ble and didn’t have the sex to begin with, we wouldn’t have this prob­lem to begin with,” Davis said.

Com­mis­sion­er Jonathan Barfield said he was “one of those absti­nence guys” and agreed with Davis’ comment.

There you go. The prob­lem seems to be that the local women are all hav­ing sex with each oth­er and get­ting pregnant.

Note that the com­mis­sion­ers are all men.
Hat tip: TPM