The Class War

What? Amer­i­ca is a class­less soci­ety? Ide­al­ly, yes. In real­i­ty, no.

Sure, in Amer­i­ca any­one is able to climb the social class lad­der through hard work, ini­tia­tive, etc., etc. But this is not as true as some would have you believe.

Gen­er­al­ly, the rich get rich­er and the poor get poor­er. The lat­est reces­sion is telling. Lots of bailouts for the wealthy who are today again receiv­ing their cus­tom­ary fat bonus checks. How are you doing?

The Repub­li­cans take the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives and, under the guise of bal­anc­ing the bud­get, attempt to slash spend­ing that ben­e­fits the low­er and mid­dle income pop­u­la­tion. Spend­ing stim­u­lus bills are now ver­boten (though tax cuts, espe­cial­ly for the wealthy, are always wel­come), so the states can­not receive any extra sup­port to bal­ance their bud­gets from the feds.

The Repub­li­cans in the states use the (sup­posed) state bud­get crises to destroy pub­lic employ­ee unions. Despite the fact that

over the last fif­teen years the pay of pub­lic-sec­tor work­ers, includ­ing teach­ers, has dropped rel­a­tive to pri­vate-sec­tor employ­ees with the same lev­el of edu­ca­tion — even includ­ing health and retire­ment benefits.

I do not have the num­bers, but I would bet that the pri­vate sec­tor employ­ees have not exact­ly done all that great over the past fif­teen years. Based on the Win­ners Take All graphs (scroll down just a bit) at Moth­er Jones, it does­n’t look too good.

James Taran­to opines at The Wall Street Journal:

Actu­al mid­dle-class Amer­i­cans don’t feel put upon by “cor­po­rate pow­er” or “the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty,” because by and large, they own the means of pro­duc­tion: They run busi­ness­es; they hold shares in cor­po­ra­tions through their invest­ment and retire­ment accounts.

I would love to see the polling on that.

I actu­al­ly qual­i­fy as some­one who holds shares in cor­po­ra­tions through a retire­ment account. Odd­ly, I do find myself put upon by cor­po­rate pow­er. My expe­ri­ence is that big busi­ness will screw me over every chance it gets.

But I digress. Mem­ber­ship in unions has dropped a lot over the past few decades. In 1977 26.9% of non-agri­cul­tur­al work­ers were cov­ered by a col­lec­tive bar­gain­ing agree­ment. In 2009, this num­ber is 13.7%.

And over the past few decades, inequal­i­ty has increased. Note that the share of income after tax­es has declined for the bot­tom 80%.

Yes, the rich have done very well for them­selves over the past few decades. But it is not enough it would seem. Class war has been declared by the 20% against the 80%. It is a sad fact that many of the 80% are sup­port­ing the 20% in the war.

4 thoughts on “The Class War”

  1. Rea­son is poor pro­pa­gan­da when opposed by the yam­mer­ing, unceas­ing lies of shrewd and evil and self-serv­ing men. ~Hein­lein

  2. It would make an inter­est­ing study to gath­er all the stuff of Hein­lein that peo­ple have quot­ed over the years and com­pare all those quotes to mate­r­i­al that pre­dates Heinlein.

    I some­times get the feel­ing that he start­ed out by first col­lect­ing vast num­bers of quotes, then putting them into his own words, then insert­ing them into his writ­ing as occa­sion allowed for.

  3. That thought nev­er occurred to me.

    Have you heard some­thing sim­i­lar as a quote from some­one ear­li­er than him ?

    I’d hate to think I am quot­ing a quot­er and not the actu­al quotee.

  4. I can­not say that I have. But there is noth­ing new under the sun. The fre­quen­cy that Hein­lein is quot­ed about guar­an­tees that some of those quotes do not con­sti­tute obser­va­tions that were nev­er made before.

    My mon­ey would say that he rewords them rather thor­ough­ly so you are not quot­ing a quoter.

    All this is just spec­u­la­tion on my part. As I said, it would make for an inter­est­ing study.

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