TV Is Educational??

The tv pro­gram The Mid­dle is on right now and while I play on the web I am pay­ing a bit of atten­tion to it. The two teenagers were haul­ing box­es of stuff to the local thrift store. It was after hours and the gate was closed and locked with a sign that said no drop offs after hours. The kids did not care and start­ed unload­ing the boxes.

A voice comes over a speak­er and explains that they were vio­lat­ing the law. The spe­cif­ic Indi­ana code is cit­ed: penal code 35 – 45‑3. Since I am at the com­put­er I imme­di­ate­ly Google Indi­ana Penal Code. I fol­low the first link and then click on Title 35, then on Arti­cle 45, then on Chap­ter 3:

Lit­ter­ing a Class B infraction…
Sec. 2. (a) A per­son who reck­less­ly, know­ing­ly, or inten­tion­al­ly places or leaves refuse on prop­er­ty of anoth­er per­son, except in a con­tain­er pro­vid­ed for refuse, com­mits lit­ter­ing, a Class B infraction

The writ­ers actu­al­ly researched the line!!! I am impressed.

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