
Deb­by and I were out the door ear­ly today to dri­ve thir­ty min­utes north and pick blue­ber­ries! Despite the heat we walked into when we left the house when we arrived at the blue­ber­ry farm it was quite pleas­ant. They had had a lot of rain ear­li­er and it cooled them off. So we got to pick from wet bushes.

We picked 17 pounds!

Deb­by out picked me 9 pounds to 8. I can’t fig­ure out how she has the rock in the buck­et for the weigh­ing but it isn’t there when the berries are poured out. She out picked me last time we picked (a few years ago) but only by a cou­ple of ounces (and we picked a lot more that day!)

I love blue­ber­ries with cere­al and in pan­cakes. Nor­mal­ly, I am not much of a pan­cake fan, but put blue­ber­ries in them and it is a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent food.

The wet berries laid out to dry before freezing.

We saved fifty cents a pound by pick­ing the berries our­selves, so $8.50. That took four man hours of labor. So we earned $2.12 an hour. Then there was the gas and the hour of time spent in travel.…

So, no. We did not do this to save mon­ey. We had fun. That was the point (well, that and the resul­tant BLUBERRIES!)

3 thoughts on “Blueberries!!!”

  1. Blue­ber­ries are a rel­a­tive of cran­ber­ries, and have the same ‘med­i­c­i­nal’ qualities.

  2. Yeah, but the blue­ber­ries taste bet­ter! Not that cran­ber­ries don’t have their place, I drink cran­ber­ry juice frequently.

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