History Repeats Itself Whether It Is Remembered Or Not

In the sum­mer of 1982, I was man­ag­ing a Domi­no’s Piz­za store that served a small col­lege cam­pus. I had tak­en over the store right after the col­lege had dis­missed for the sum­mer, so busi­ness was a bit slow. One of the first things I did was to chart the week­ly sales.

One Mon­day in July the super­vi­sor arrives with a bit of burn going on. He pulled me aside and asked me if I knew that the week just end­ed had had the low­est sales of any week so far that year. I just smiled and asked him to fol­low me to the office where I direct­ed his atten­tion to my sales chart. The week just end­ed had had the low­est sales of the year every year the store had been open. My sales were high­er than the year before (as they had been every week), but not high­er than the week before. I had no idea why that par­tic­u­lar week was his­tor­i­cal­ly bad, but it was.

That one moment made chart­ing the sales worth it.

In the off year, the polit­i­cal par­ty in pow­er los­es con­gres­sion­al seats. There may have been an excep­tion or two, but that’s it. The day the democ­rats achieved six­ty votes in the Sen­ate, any­one who knew any­thing knew that they would no longer con­trol six­ty seats after the 2010 elec­tions. All of the media talk­ing heads know this. But why mess with a good story?

There is a bit of dra­ma in Mass­a­chu­setts in the bat­tle for Kennedy’s sen­ate seat, but oth­er than that the only “news­wor­thy” items con­cern­ing polit­i­cal pow­er in the sen­ate reflect the dif­fi­cul­ty the repub­li­cans face:


http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/01/will-the-dems-lose-their-60-seat-edge-not-necessarily — -gop-could-lose-seats-too.php#more

But in the end, the Democ­rats will lose seats. It is the way it is.

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