Last Chance Harvey

Deb­by and I rent­ed Last Chance Har­vey this evening. The movie is about two peo­ple who share the abil­i­ty to be in a room full of peo­ple and still be alone.

Har­vey, well played by Dustin Hoff­man, finds him­self with noth­ing to lose and finds in that cir­cum­stance the con­fi­dence to pur­sue a beau­ti­ful woman.

Emma Thomp­son is won­der­ful as Kate Walk­er, the object of Har­vey’s pur­suit. This is the first time I’ve real­ly seen Thomp­son (I’ve seen bits and pieces of Pri­ma­ry Col­ors, but noth­ing else with her in it).

Gen­er­al­ly well put togeth­er movie. I noticed a cou­ple of unusal shots, one of which I don’t think worked all that well (at the first kiss). Now and then the sound­track was ter­rif­ic and at one point I thought the theme was get­ting over­played a bit. There is a nice sub­plot with Kate’s moth­er con­cerned about her new neigh­bor, a Pole who “bar-b-ques” a lot.

A sweet movie that keeps its feet on the ground. There is no sex. There is no implied sex. There are no soar­ing vio­lins as the two peo­ple final­ly know they are in love and man­age to get togeth­er despite all the odds. There is just two peo­ple who decide to give it go and spend some time together.

My enjoy­ment of this movie was enhanced by my iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with Hoff­man’s char­ac­ter. I have always had the tal­ent of being able to be alone in a room full of peo­ple. And I man­aged to woo Deb­by (my wife) because I was at a point where there was lit­tle left to lose. It is a lot eas­i­er to be con­fi­dent in such a situation.

One thought on “Last Chance Harvey”

  1. My sis­ter and I saw this movie and we were dis­ap­point­ed. Hoff­man’s char­ac­ter was so sad although one did get the sense that he was over­com­ing his “sad-sack’ image. What both­ered us was the pro­tray­al of Emma Thomp­son’s char­ac­ter as unhap­py most­ly because she did not have a man in her life. I can hap­pi­ly state that life can be very full and hap­py with­out a man in it! (Noth­ing against men; I love them.)

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