Let Us Help You Imagine the Future

And that, to me, ful­ly sums up the Repub­li­can case against Barack Oba­ma, or at least one weird vari­ety of it. Oba­ma is about to do all sorts of hor­ri­ble things: bank­rupt the nation, induce hyper­in­fla­tion, con­fis­cate guns, bring back the Fair­ness Doc­trine. About to do them.

That is Jonathan Bern­stein over at A plain blog about pol­i­tics dis­cussing San­to­rum’s new ad against Oba­ma (I guess he has no hope of beat­ing Rom­ney…), Oba­mav­ille.

It is amus­ing that the right is begin­ning to fall back on what Oba­ma is about to do (at this point it is get­ting dif­fi­cult to run against what he has done). I sup­pose there may be some item or few that Oba­ma has done in his first term that he did not talk about dur­ing the cam­paign, but I have no mem­o­ry of such. Based on that track record, there is no rea­son to think that Oba­ma is going to do things in his sec­ond term that he has not talked about doing.

Unless one wants to use cur­rent Repub­li­can office­hold­ers as the exam­ple. Wis­con­sin Gov­er­nor Walk­er did not cam­paign on the issue of strip­ping pub­lic employ­ees of col­lec­tive bar­gain­ing rights. But once elect­ed, he did so. Indi­ana Gov­er­nor Daniels did not cam­paign on the issue of mak­ing Indi­ana a Right to Work state (in fact, I am rea­son­ably sure that he specif­i­cal­ly denied any inter­est in doing so). But once elect­ed, he did so. I sus­pect there are plen­ty exam­ples of late.

It does seem (at least to me) that the right tends to be most ener­get­i­cal­ly against that which they them­selves do and most sus­pi­cious of oth­ers doing the same thing they do (not that the right has a monop­oly on this).

And yes, I under­stand that the right believes that Oba­ma has already start­ed bank­rupt­ing the coun­try and induc­ing hyperinflation.

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