Quantum of Solace

I rarely see movies in the the­ater and I rarely rent them until they are avail­able for five days (so I can rent it on Fri­day and not return it until Mon­day). So most of the “movie reviews” I post will not be of much use to many readers.

But I do not see that as a rea­son to not post them!

I watched Quan­tum of Solace last night. I had rent­ed Casi­no Royale a while back and I enjoyed it a lot. It was a bit long and felt like watch­ing two movies back to back, but I thought it the best Bond film ever. I looked for­ward to sequels.

Quan­tum of Solace came out to such bad reviews that I was in no hur­ry to rent it. I believe I was mis­led. This was a fun movie to watch. It may not quite be up to the stan­dard of Casi­no Royale, but it is close.

More impor­tant­ly, plot wise it is the end­ing of Casi­no Royale. Both of these movies are too long and have plen­ty of exces­sive action that could be edit­ed out with lit­tle dam­age (and maybe improve­ment!) to the films. Maybe it is my imag­i­na­tion, but it seems like some of the back and forth between M and Bond that was cov­ered in the first film was done again in the second.

There are two good movies here with more edit­ing. As it is, there are two movies worth watch­ing which are cer­tain­ly the best of the most­ly dread­ful Bond series.

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