There’s Bound To Be Some Doozies

On Sat­ur­days, Dai­ly Kos posts sam­ples of the hate mail he received that week. This week he fea­tures sev­er­al emails he has received over the past year all from the same writer, “George Rock­well.” Includ­ed is a copy of the let­ter Mr. “Rock­well” wrote to Supreme Court Jus­tice Antonin Scalia.

If you go to the site, the let­ter (at least as of this writ­ing) is at the bot­tom of Kos’ post, about 1/​3 down the page (due to com­ments). It is amusing.

While read­ing that let­ter, it occurred to me that there must be quite a trea­sure trove of amus­ing let­ters addressed to var­i­ous Supreme Court Jus­tices over the years. I’ve always been aware that Pres­i­dents get a wide vari­ety of let­ters, but it nev­er occurred to me that Supreme Court Jus­tices do too.

Seems like a com­pi­la­tion is in order.