I Live Here and I Would Not Have Guessed

I heard on the radio today that Indi­ana is the third high­est gam­ing des­ti­na­tion in the coun­try tak­ing the place of Mis­sis­sip­pi. Neva­da is num­ber one and New Jer­sey is num­ber two. No sur­prise there. But Indi­ana is num­ber three!?!?!? I con­sid­er this a dubi­ous dis­tinc­tion at best.

I also learned recent­ly that Indi­ana leaped into the upper ech­e­lon of wind pow­er states. I believe that Indi­ana installed 900 some­thing MW of wind pow­er in 2009 and now has a total installed wind pow­er of 1036 MW. This puts Indi­ana at num­ber twelve of the fifty states in installed wind pow­er. Only Texas installed more wind pow­er in 2009 (Indi­ana was not a close second).

Indi­ana has the wind, the man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ties, and the grid.

That’s bet­ter than gaming!